Lothar Duda, Dipl.-Psych.
Psychologischer Psychotherapeut (PP)
Tremoniastr. 59
D-44137 Dortmund
Phone: 0231 – 14 28 92
In retrospect Lothar likes to connect his first major encounter with the
multiplicity of human life to the two years he spend as a student at
the United World College of the Atlantic in Wales in the late 1970’s. It
has to be admitted though that back then he was still pretty much under
the spell of a rather naive-realistic/positivistic world view, but
change was coming his way. While Lothar studied psychology at the
Ruhr-University Bochum he became a member of the `Bochumer Arbeitsgruppe
für Sozialen Konstruktivismus und Wirklichkeitsprüfung´, or BOAG
(www.boag.de), and from within this academic subculture a connection was
made to Ken and Mary Gergen, resulting in an eight month visit at
Swarthmore College, PA. Lothar has enjoyed looking at life through a
social constructionist perspective ever since.
After working as a research assistant and a free lance teacher and
trainer in the 1990’s, he finally settled down professionally as a
psychotherapist in his own practice, offering clients and colleagues
dialogues that include narratives from fields such as
cognitive-behavioral therapy, systemic family therapy and acceptance and
commitment therapy as well as literature and movies. Lothar also likes
to share these areas of interest with his friends and colleagues Manfred
Wiesner and Eugene Epstein, and for more than fifteen years they have
collaborated with an emphasis on exploring new ways of utilizing popular
media to illustrate social constructionist ideas at conferences and
Currently, Lothar fosters a special interest regarding the question what
constructions, languages and stories will become possible if we manage
to move beyond the traditional therapeutic discourses that have so
widely pervaded our societies.