Beatriz Rodriguez Vega. MD, Ph.D.
Psychiatrist. La Paz University Hospital. Autónoma University School of Medicine
Paseo de la Castellana 261. 28046. Madrid
Phone: +34917277276
Beatriz Rodriguez Vega, MD Phd is currently the coordinator of Liason
Psychiatry at the Psychiatry Department of La Paz University Hospital,
Madrid and an Associate Professor of Medicine at the Autónoma University
School of Medicine in Madrid and she has worked in different settings
mainly in General Hospital. For the last fifteen years, she has been
working as a consultant in the oncologic and chronic pain field in the
general hospital.
Her main interests include developmental aspects of the self and
narrative psychotherapy based in mindfulness. She is the director of the
Psychoterapy Unit of La Paz Hospital and co-director, with Alberto
Fernández Liria, of the Master of Psychotherapy Integration, Alcalá de
Henares University, since 1997. Also she was the director of several
investigation projects in the psychotherapy treatment for oncologic
depressive patients. With Alberto Fernandez Liria she has published in
Spanish La Práctica de la Psicoterapia: la construcción de narrativas
terapéuticas (Psycotherapy Practice: The construction of therapeutic
narratives) (2001), Habilidades de entrevista para psicoterapeutas
(Interviewing Skills for Psycotherapists) (2002) and Terapia Narrativa
basada en Atención Plena para la depresion (Mindfulness based Narrative
Therapy for Depression) (2012) all of them published in Desclée de
She is a collaborator since 1995 with Medicos del Mundo (Doctors of the
World) and Doctors without Borders which has provided her a wide
experience in war conflict and critical incidents intervention.
Currently Beatriz is mostly interested in the integration of Mindfulness
and Narrative therapy. She continues learning, training and teaching
techniques that are useful to regulate emotional life as these can be
helpful for patients as for therapists.