Nikki Slocum-Bradley, Ph.D.
UNU-CRIS, c/o Grootseminarie
Potterierei 72
B-8000 Brugge
Dr. Nikki Slocum-Bradley is a Psychologist with a private practice in Tervuren, Belgium (just outside of Brussels). In psychotherapy she draws upon social and relational constructionist concepts and techniques, as well as tools from other approaches, to collaborate with individuals and families in the service of their well-being.
Dr. Slocum-Bradley has also applied social conctructionist theory to ‘international relations’ and conflict transformation in her former positions as social scientist, research fellow and program and research advisor at various institutions, including United Nations University (UNU-CRIS, in Bruges, Belgium), the Institute for European Studies (in Brussels, Belgium) and the Life and Peace Institute (in Uppsala, Sweden). She has expertise in philosophies and methodologies of social science, social science theory, and their implications for decision-making in policy and practice. She has advised institutions and individuals on designing (action-) research programs that are founded on social constructionist principles, and she has facilitated participatory and prospective methods, such as scenario and ‘visioning’ workshops. Dr. Slocum-Bradley has taught courses at various universities, including Georgetown University, the Free University of Brussels (VUB), and the University of Kent in Brussels. She has contributed expert background papers to various international policy forums and has lectured and held seminars for audiences of academics, policy-makers and practitioners around the world. Her own research has focused on social constructionist theory-building and its multifarious applications, including: Positioning Theory, conflict analysis and transformation, identities, governance, social and cultural aspects of regional integration, and participatory methods for governance and research. Paradigm-shifting is a particular passion.
Dr. Slocum-Bradley is from San Diego, California. Her credentials include a B.A. in Psychology from the University of California, Berkeley, a Diplom (Master’s equivalent) in Psychology from the University of Kiel, Germany, and a Ph.D. in Psychology from Georgetown University. She was also a visiting scholar at Oxford University.