Marifer F. Benabib

Grupo Campos Eliseos (GCE)
Cda. De Amargura #88 T3-102
Balcones de la Herrdura,
Huixquilucan, Edo. Mexico, 52783

Phone: (55) 36051226 or 555413 6928

Marifer has been a clinical psychologist in private practices, working with children and parent consultation for more than 20 years, her training includes psychoanalitic therapy, narrative and collaborative practices.

For more than 15 years Marifer, has worked as a school psychologist and school consultant, she has done research on bullying prevention and intervention and has designed and implemented programs to improve human relationships and school environment. As part of Grupo Campos Eliseos, she has offered training and consultation to institutions and professionals interested in social relationship and bullying.
