Mgr. Jitka Balášová

Member of Narativ group, yoga instructor, psychotherapist

Private psychotherapeutic

V Aleji 31, 620 00 Brno, Czech Republic
Phone: +420 774 844 685

Jitka Balášová graduated from psychotherapy and social pedagogy at Masaryk University in Brno, Czech Republic. During her studies she worked as a social worker with people with mental illness which encouraged her interest in dialogical approaches, especially Open Dialogue.

As a member of Narativ group, she is in the faculty of ICCP program Possibilities of dialogue and she also participate in other activities aiming at spreading collaborative and dialogical practices in Czech Republic and beyond – through many different ways such as translating books, organizing workshops and contributing to transformative processes in public topics.

As yoga teacher she has special interest in therapeutic effect of yoga practice on women health and in baby yoga, where joint movement and atonement of the mother and the baby is the instrument for the dialogue and responsive relationship.