Taos Institute Japan (TIJ)
Taos Institute Japan (TIJ) is a network group that aims to create diverse opportunities and places for learning about social construction in Japan. TIJ was officially launched in September 2023 with a founding meeting held at Kansai University in Osaka. The idea of social construction has been attracting attention in Japan in a variety of fields, including therapy, mental health, organizational development, education, and community building. In recent years, a series of books by Dr. Kenneth Gergen have been translated and published, resulting in the translator hearing a wish to learn more and to bring the theory into practice.
With a mission “to develop and explore ways in which academic research enriches professional practice and practice stimulates academic inquiry,” the Taos Institute has many learning resources and opportunities to exchange research and practice. However, the primary languages are English and Spanish, which has been a barrier to participation for native Japanese speakers. Therefore, we, the Taos Associates in Japan, decided to establish a Japanese group with the aim of building a network of learning and mutual support, sharing, and promoting knowledge and practices rooted in Japanese culture, and disseminating them to the world in the future.
The mission of TIJ is: 1) to build a network of collaboration and support, led by Taos Institute Associates in Japan; 2) to create a forum for dialogue centered on theory, to gather interesting cultural practices in Japan, and to disseminate them both domestically and internationally; and 3) to contribute to the dissemination of social constructionist theory by translating foreign literature and organizing seminars.
The Taos Institute Japan is managed by Associates who are active researchers and practitioners in Japan. Our current activities are introduced on our website and are conducted through a FB group. Several small projects have been started and are regularly active. We have also decided to hold our next general meeting on September 14 and 15, 2024 at Meiji University in Tokyo.
For more details, please visit:
Taos Institute Japan Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/taos.institute.japan
Taos Institute Japan Web: https://taosinstitutejapan.com
Brief Encounter article: Opening of the Taos Institute Japan
タオス・インスティテュートでは、「学術的な研究によって専門的な実践を豊かにし、実践によって学術的な探究を刺激する」というミッションのもと、多くの学びのリソース、および研究や実践の交流の機会が用意されています。しかしながら、主に使用される言語が英語またはスペイン語であるため、日本語を母語とする者にとっては参加のハードルが高くなっていました。そこで、日本のタオス・アソシエイトが中心となり、学びのリソースの提供、サポートネットワークの構築、日本の文化に根差した知と実践の共有、促進、発信を目的として、タオス・インスティテュート・ジャパンを立ち上げました。 タオス・インスティテュート・ジャパンのミッションは、以下の3つです。