Dian Marie Hosking, Ph.D.
Utrecht School of Governance,
Utrecht University,
Bijlhouwerstraat 6,
3511 ZC Utrecht,
The Netherlands
Email: dianmarie@mac.com
Phone: +31 (0)30 253 97 64
Web: www.relational-constructionism.org
Dr. Dian Marie Hosking, Professor of Relational Process at Utrecht School of Governance & long time Taos Institute Associate was awarded a D.Sc. (Econ) by Turku School of Economics. When extending their offer of this honor they stated it was “in recognition of your foresight in leadership and organization theory as well as of your outstanding contribution in introducing social constructionist research methodology in leadership research”. The ceremonies take place between the 13th and 15th of May and include conferral of Doctoral hat and sword. see: http://www.tse.fi/EN/units/otherunits/degree_ceremonies/Pages/default.aspx
Dian Marie. is devoted to relational constructionism and related
methodologies of inquiry and transformation. She is on the advisory
board of the Taos Institute and with the Taos Institute, and her Tilburg
University colleague Prof. John Rijsman, she supervises practitioners
who wish to make a Ph.D. out of their reflections on their practice.
She is especially interested in critical relational constructionisms and
in related approaches to inquiry, development, and changework. Visit
her website at relational-constructionism.org to go through a doorway to
take a “Relational tour” which introduces you to relational
constructionism and to some other relevant websites which you might like
to wander around. Another route will take you to places where you can
read all about discursive, narrative, and postmodern approaches to e.g.
(community) development, change and therapies. Finally she provides some
pages about subjects such as: Appreciative Inquiry, Large Group
Interventions, and Etnhography.
Relational Constructionism Website:
Welcome to this website, devoted to relational constructionism and
related methodologies of inquiry and transformation. A relational
constructionist or social constructionist thought style involves some
very different ways of thinking about what it is to be a person, about
knowledge, power, inquiry, organizational and community development and
transformation or change work. My purpose in providing this site is to
help interested persons to know more of this style of thinking and