Samantha McGarry

Systemic Family Psychotherapist & Supervisor
Bray Seafront, Co Wicklow, Ireland
Web: Bry Counselling and Therapy Centre:, Clanwilliam:

Samantha McGarry is a systemic psychotherapist, supervisor and trainer, based in Dublin Ireland. She has over twenty years’ experience working in the public, charity and private health sector. 

She works on faculty at the Clanwilliam Institute, where she teaches and supervises students working toward a Masters in Systemic Psychotherapy. This independent institute holds a social constructionist, relational epistemology through all elements of its training.

 Samantha also works in independent practice in Bray Counselling & Therapy Centre, Co. Wicklow. Here she offers systemic therapy to families, couples and individuals. She provides systemic supervision to other psychotherapists and allied health professional teams from this practice also. Samantha has a number of therapeutic areas of interest and has worked for many years with families who have experienced loss by suicide.

Samantha is a current Doctoral candidate with the University of Bedfordshire’s Professional Doctorate in Systemic Practice. Her research interest centres on relational teaching and training methodologies to promote ethics-led training and learning cultures. 

 Samantha has served as Chairperson of the Family Therapy Association of Ireland for four years and also acted as Vice Chairperson of the Irish Council for Psychotherapy during this time.

Samantha freelance lectures at two other Irish Universities in Ireland.