Philip Merry, Ph.D.
Level 58 Republic Plaza
9 Raffles Place
Singapore 048619
Experienced Global Team and Leadership Educator
Managed Projects in 59 countries
Philip is Founder and CEO of Singapore’s PMCG which helps leaders build high performing multi-cultural global teams. Philip helps participants to identify their authentic contribution, grow collaboration across cultures, and develop team climates of trust and respect which achieve performance excellence, and strong results. His experiential sessions integrate ideas from positive psychology, team profiling, cultural intelligence, appreciative inquiry, systems thinking, quantum physics, and heart coherence ensuring that participants are exposed to up to date thinking in their search for team, leadership and personal excellence. Clients comment on his ability to create a learning climate that challenges leaders to “raise the bar” on their performance by strengthening mindsets that build personal meaning, collaboration and results.
Workshops & Consulting:
1. Leading-with-Heart: CLASSIC Skills for Transformation in Volatile Times
2. Building High Performing Global Teams
3. Heart-Focused Career Self-Leadership
4. Global Cultural Intelligence
5. Building a Whole-Hearted Appreciative Cultures
6. Heart-Centered Coaching
Professional Experience & Education:
- Founder/CEO of Singapore’s PMCG (established 1991)
- Senior leadership consultant for the United Nations
- Many years in full time Leadership Development Roles
- Master Team Trainer responsible for certifying team facilitators
- MSc Business and Management Research & PhD in Synchronicity and Leadership
- GSF (Global Speaking Fellow)
BASF, Citi, Consultative Group International Agricultural Research, Credit Suisse, Danida, Deutsche Bank, GIC, GE, GM, HP, Jotun, Lend Lease, Merrill Lynch, Nokia, Pepsi Cola, Petronas, Shell, Singapore Ministry of Foreign Affairs, World Bank. He is a Visiting Fellow at Roffey Park (UK), faculty member at Duke University Global Learning Resource Network (USA), and external consultant with the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy Singapore, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (Australia), East West Centre University of Hawaii (USA), Leicester University (UK). Philip is a visiting Fellow at Bristol University (UK) and Roffey Park Institute