Lucie Hornová, Ph.D
Clinical Psychologist, Family Therapist
Ambulance of Clinical Psychology
Jiráskova 506
Rychov nad Knežnou
Lucie Hornova graduated psychology at MU in Brno. She has been working
with addicts and their families on long term basic both in the UK and in
the Czech Republic.
She first trained as a Rogerian Person Centred therapist and latter on as a family systemic therapist.
In 2006, she has founded a team of clinical psychologists and other
professions using dialogical ideas and collaborative approaches in their
work. Her and her team have been for several years experimenting with
dialogical approach to diagnosing, managing situations with high level
of violence or situations with contradictory involvement of the medical
She has a special interest in psychosomatics. She has graduated a University course in acupuncture.
She has graduated systemic supervision course in the Tavistock clinic in London and loves her work as a systemic supervisor.
She has been involved with EFTA since 2006 as a national representative.
She is married and has two teenage daughters.