Mette Vinther Larsen, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Aalborg University
Department of Business and Management
Fibigerstræde 4
9220 Aalborg Øst
Phone: +4599408253/+4529908966
Mette Vinther Larsen, BA in Business Communication, MA in Organization
and Strategy, and Ph.D. is Assistant Professor at the Department of
Business and Management at Aalborg University. She is teaching within
the fields of strategizing, organizing and communication for BA and MA
students in business and in public governance.
Her research is primarily conducted within the FIRM (Firms, Innovation,
Relationships, and Management) research group at the Department of
Business and Management and the Center for Learning in Organizations at
the Department of Learning. She is at the moment engaged in a couple of
research projects on management and on innovation. Her main interest is
to study relational sensemaking, organizing, communication and
She has in 2011 published “Strategising through organizing – the
significance of everyday relational sensemaking, Aalborg: Aalborg
University, and has contributed to a couples of books on organizing and
management and a number of articles, written in Danish. She is at the
moment finishing a book on strategizing in a number of medium sized
firms during the financial crisis.
She has for the last couple of years been co-organizer for the annual
conference in the Danish Academy of Management, and is active in a
number of regional networks in management and organizational