José Luis Salas-Herrera, Ph.D.
Professor, University of Bío Bío
Tel: +56-9-81974833
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José Luis Salas Herrera was born in Hualpén, Concepción (Chile). He is a Psychologist (University of Concepción, Chile); has a Master in Clinical Psychology, with mention in Constructivist and Constructionist Psychotherapy (University of Valparaiso, Chile), and is a Doctor in Linguistics, with mention in Psycholinguistics and Neurosciences (University of Concepción). He has developed his academic career at various Chilean universities, currently being based at the University of Bío Bío.
His research interests range from the phenomenon of violence and cyberviolence towards the couple, to experimental psychology in the study of the relationships between emotions, corporeity and language. Currently, he directs his studies to the linguistic structure concomitant to variables of mental health, violence and alexithymia in verbal expressions in different linguistic contexts as well as the electrophysiological correlate of written verbal expression with emotional charge and psychological meaning.
At the social level, he is interested in creating opportunities for the expansion of the philosophy of open dialogues as a gateway to accompaniment processes, co-construction of meanings, adherence to therapeutic processes and the construction of public policies sensitive to categories of oppression from an intersectional perspective.
José Luis continued his training as an international narrative therapist at Narrative Practices Adelaide, Australia; the Collective of Narrative Practices of Mexico and at PRANAS, Chile. He is currently completing a training course as Supervisor in Psychotherapy from systemic models, at the Chilean Institute of Family Therapy; where training in postmodern (dialogical) and poststructuralist (narrative) perspectives are included.
He is accredited as a Psychotherapist by the Latin American Federation of Psychotherapy (FLAPSI), by the World Council of Psychotherapy, as well as by the College of Psychologists of Chile A.G. and the Chilean Society of Clinical Psychology with Registry No. 2164. Recently, he has been invited to participate as Associate Editor of the Mental Health & Human Resilience International Journal, ISSN: 2578-5095.