Katherine Rand, Ph.D.
Web: http://centeringrelationship.com
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/katherinerand/
Twitter: http://twitter/com/kcrandphd
Katherine C. Rand, Ph.D. is an interdisciplinary scholar practitioner with training in religion, public policy, and healthcare and a researcher focused on ethics, narrative, and the psychospiritual realm of lived experience. She has a particular interest in relational approaches to research, education, caregiving, and leadership.
Currently working in a secondary school in human and organization development, and focused on restorative approaches and social-emotional learning, Katherine hopes to expand the boundaries of chaplaincy to include the moral and spiritual life of organizations and systems (while, of course, supporting the individuals within them); and to offer healing of structural wounds—particularly in relation to marginalization and oppression—by sharing stories, engaging in meaningful dialogue, and cultivating mutual understanding, connection, deep inclusion, and belonging.
An ordained Buddhist lay minister whose primary practice is insight or vipassana meditation as taught by Ashin Tejaniya, Katherine has a long study and practice of Buddhism that includes Zen and Jodo Shinshu influences as well, and which has been informed by the teachings of Vimala Thakar and Jiddu Krishnamurti. A relational way of being in the world has been strengthened by the process thought of her grandfather and feminist theory, and social construction has provided an additional lens, allowing the clear seeing of our interdependence and the subjective nature of reality. It also helps bring greater awareness to the ways in which cultural narratives have informed our view of the world and can either facilitate or impede connection, ultimately helping us to live more meaningfully in relationship.

Project MUSE
“Rupture” (a birth story)
DOI: 10.1353/nib.2017.0073