Marco Bianciardi, Ph.D.
Associazione Episteme
via Ricasoli n. 4 – 10153 TORINO (Italy)Phone: +39011882821
Phone: +393290213733
I graduated in Philosophy and Psychology, and was trained as a
psychotherapist in systemic area with Luigi Boscolo and Gianfranco
Cecchin at “Centro Milanese di Terapia della Famiglia” and with Maurizio
Andolfi and Carmine Saccu at “Accademia di Terapia Familiare” in Rome.
Professor at “Centro Milanese” since 1986.
In 2002, I founded the Association “Episteme” with Paolo Bertrando in the role of the Director and head of Clinical.
I worked as the official psychologist at the Mental Health Services of Turin until May 2006.
I have published many articles in epistemology and systemic clinical and
the following books: “Ammalarsi di psicoterapia” (with U.Telfner, ed.
Franco Angeli 1995), ” La natura sistemica dell’uomo” (with P.
Bertrando, ed. Cortina 2010) and “Psicoterapia come etica” (with
F.Galvez, ed. Antigone 2012).