Haesun Moon, Ph.D.
Canadian Centre for Brief Coaching
47 Queen’s Park Crescent East
Toronto, Ontario, Canada (M5S2C3)
OISE/University of Toronto
252 Bloor Street West
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Email: Haesun.Moon@utoronto.ca, learn@briefcoaching.ca
Phone: +14168980381
Web: www.briefcoaching.ca
Haesun Moon is a communication scientist and educator based in Toronto, Canada. She cares about people experiencing better conversations at home and at work – and she does that by training, coaching, and consulting. She defines the process as hosting dialogic conditions in which people participate to imagineer* their own change. Her academic and professional research in coaching dialogues and pedagogy from the University of Toronto led to development of a simple coaching model, Dialogic Orientation Quadrant. The DOQ has transformed the way people coach and learn coaching worldwide. Haesun teaches Brief Coaching at the University of Toronto and serves as Executive Director at the Canadian Centre for Brief Coaching. Haesun roasts her own coffee, loves dogs and horses, and is quite particular about her choice of pens.
Published Work:
Moon, H. (2022). Coaching A – Z: The extraordinary use of ordinary words.
Moon, H. (2020). Coaching: Using Ordinary Words in Extraordinary Ways. In S. McNamee, M. M. Gergen, C. Camargo-Borges & E. F. Rasera (Eds.), The Sage Handbook of Social Constructionist Practice (pp 246–257). London: Sage.
Moon, H. (2019). Making Progress Visible for Learners of Solution-Focused Dialogue. Solution Focused in Organizations. 11(1) August 2019
Moon, H. (2020). The Masterclass: A Heutagogical Approach to Learning Solution-Focused Conversation.
Whitney, D., Cocciolone, J., Miller, C. A., Moon, H., Koh, B.-Y. A., Britton, K., León De La Barra, A., Cruz Teller, T., & Ogawa, M. (2019). Thriving women thriving world: An invitation to dialogue, healing, and inspired actions. Taos Institute Publications.