Andreas Breden
Family Therapist and Mediator
Freelance Lecturer, Supervisor and Examiner
Doctorate Student in Professional Doctorate in Systemic Practice
Trondheim, Norway
Andreas Breden is a Norwegian family therapist and researcher with a particular interest in the relationship between nature/ecology, and culture/society. He is doing workshops on eco-systemic thinking and is a member of a group of European eco-systemic thinkers and practitioners. Ecofeminist ideas that connect feminism and ecology have been an inspiration in his academic work the past few years, as well as the Norwegian eco-philosophy movement. The relationship between gender and therapy is one of Breden’s main focus in his work, and his doctoral study is a collaborative research project with and on men who explores what gives meaning for men in therapy, and how attending a men’s group might also have an effect on attending couple’s therapy. The research is a social constructionist project where all group participants, including the facilitators, contribute to the group process and outcome. Positioning himself in a Norwegian context with a higher level of gender equality than other countries and cultures, he recognizes the global differences between all genders. Inspired by feminist thinkers, Breden recognizes the importance of a continued fight for gender equality through inspiring men to take responsibility and participate with ownership in the process. Working as a family therapist and mediator, Breden leans on systemic, social constructionist and narrative ideas. The interest in research has led to the conviction that theory and practice are both important, and led by an ethical stance where the client is always in the center, Breden is a systems critical thinker who wants to change systems for the better. He believes that if our daily work can contribute to changing an unequal world, we are ethically obliged to do so.