Dr. Patricia Miller
Mount Royal University, Calgary Alberta
Phone: 403-801-3642
Email: pmiller@mtroyal.ca
Web: https://www.familypsychologyplace.com
Dr. Patricia Miller has substantial experience in conducting participatory action research processes in the area of HIV/AIDS, stigma, trauma and the bottom-up building of social capital. She has a diverse educational and professional background in Social Work and Psychology (experiencing these two professions as a dually-registered, trans-professional) in relation to mental health practices with teens and adults across the lifespan. She presents internationally on action-oriented processes, peer-support development for persons living with HIV and trauma-informed best and promising practices. She has received numerous grants for action-oriented research and peer-support development. She has substantial experience in teaching, training and supervising students and professionals in trauma-informed best and promising practices for diverse-therapeutic relationships. She conducts training and supervising for professionals on contemporary, therapy practices for mental health experiences across the lifespan.