Mario O. Castillo Rangel
Department of Humanities
College of Humanities, Social and Behavioral Sciences
Northern Caribbean University
125 Manchester Road
P.O. Box 22
Jamaica. W.I.
Phone: 1-876-962 0019
Mobile: 1-876-326 9002
After graduating with a B.A. in English Language and Literature from the University of Havana, and spending some time studying at the Department of Applied Linguistics at the University of Leipzig, Germany, Mario O. Castillo Rangel earned a doctoral degree in Foreign Language Teaching Methodology at Friedrich Schiller University, Jena, Germany, in the year 1988. He obtained both his doctoral degree and the teaching rank of Professor while working at Havana Polytechnic University.
Following this attainment, he began to work at the Postgraduate Department of the Medical University of Havana, and then became Head of the English Department of that institution. At this time, Prof. Castillo started a period of collaboration with Dr. Klaus Deissler, Director of the Institute for Systemic Education viisa in Marburg, Germany, and worked as translator/interpreter in the workshops that Dr. Deissler organized for a group of therapists from the Psychiatric Service of the Joaquin Albarrán Hospital in Havana. Later, in the framework of this collaboration, Prof. Castillo translated Phil und Sophie auf der Couch, die Soziale Poesie therapeutischer Gespräche (Deissler, Klaus G. and Sheila McNamee, 2000) from German into Spanish, which was recently published online as a WorldShare book by the Taos Institute. This was his first contact with the principles of Social Constructionism, which he has consistently applied in his professional career.
He is currently a lecturer at the Department of Humanities of Northern Caribbean University, where he teaches courses related to Language and Literature, such as Introduction to Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Survey of Literatures in English, and Language and Culture, among others. He is also currently Assistant Editor of the Medical Journal of West Indies, published by the Faculty of Medical Sciences of the University of the West Indies.
After realizing that his career has been “not only a profession, but a decision to see the world as language”, in the words of Günter Eich, and discovering the linguistic common ground of his profession and the orienting principles of Social Constructionism, his next step is to contribute articles and research papers overtly intended to explore this common ground. He is proud to have been accepted as an Associate of the Taos Institute.
Links and Articles:
Filo y Sofía en Diálogo: La poesía social de la conversación terapéutica.
Editors: Klaus G. Deissler y Sheila McNamee
Translator: Mario O. Castillo Rangel
WorldShare Books:
Books in Spanish:
Leipzig University, Germany:
NCU – Marburg University:
West Indian Medical Journal: Editorial Board
Editorial Board – University of the West Indies
Wimj – Editorial:
Wimj – Editorial: Spanish Abstracts in the West Indian Medical Journal
Havana University – Tutor:
Language Awareness Week at NCU; Mario sings and plays a tune with his keyboard