Chung-Shi Chan
Freelance Psychotherapist
Dialogue Facilitator
P.O. Box 181 Guo-an,
Haulien City, 97099, Taiwan
Phone: 886-2-932340278
Chung-Shi received his degree of Master of Art in Clinical Psychology (MACP) from Antioch University Santa Barbara in 2003. He has grown up from a patriarchal family. The difficulties of fulfilling the mainstream value, such as gender identities, academic achievement were the big challenge to him. Therefore, after obtaining his college diploma in Electric Engineering, he decided to follow his heart to pursue his own interests. He went to US to study Psychology of Marriage and Family Therapy. In the days of studying abroad, he experienced the variety of cultures, races and values, which brought impact to his value system; yet, he learned appreciation of being his own family and culture, and treasuring the things he owned.
After receiving Master degree, he came back to Taiwan, and worked as a Clinic Psychotherapist in the Yuli Mental Hospital. During this tenure, he had chance to be connected to the world of Narrative Therapy, which enable him to re-examine the definitions of canceling and therapy by different ways.
To do things creatively was the direction that Chung-Shi followed. In addition, he strived to study and explore the most appropriate therapies or approaches to company people who are suffering the challenges of life. Therefore, he left the job in Hospital that he considered as routine practice after a few years, and started the new career of being a freelance psychotherapist. At the same time, he was participated and certified by the International Certificate Collaborative-Dialogical Practice (ICCP), which was the 1st training session in Taiwan.
Currently, he is the teaching facilitator of International Certificate Collaborative-Dialogical Practice (ICCP) in Taiwan. He also provides the training sessions of Postmodern Approaches both in China and Taiwan.
To create dialogue channels and invite multi-voices delivery are Chung-Shi’s major focus in his career. He believes that through the process of dialogue, people will find their own direction and guidance, and be capable to overcome the obstacles of life.