María del Carmen Muñoz de Bustillo Díaz, Ph.D.
University of La Laguna (Canary Islands, Spain)
Department of Developmental and Educational Psychology
Guajara Campus
La Laguna, Tenerife, SP 38071
Phone: (34) 922 31 65 02 Ext 6750
Carmen Muñoz de Bustillo teaches psychology at the University of La Laguna (ULL) including the Master degree in Training of Teaching Staff of Compulsory Secondary Education and Baccalaureate, Professional Training and language Teaching. She also is part of the Doctoral program in Psychology at this university, in the line of research about psychology of language, education and methodology.
Currently, together with María Dolores García, she is committed to teaching, practicing and researching the social constructionism in educational and community contexts. Both share a line for doctoral theses and final projects of Master’s and Undergraduates Degrees from collaborative, narratives and generative inquiry premises.
In the educational context (obligatory and higher university education) the topics that they treat are related to the educational relationship and the co-construction of knowledge in the classroom; the creation of art and playful space as a supplement for meaning; the design of innovative experience education via collaborative processes; the educational evaluation as a challenge; the educational research as conversational process.
In the community context, their attention focuses on young offenders through relational responsibility and the opening of new possibilities from the perspective of multiple identities and narratives.
Recent (co) directed doctoral theses :
Las relaciones para los jóvenes con medidas judiciales: una investigación colaborativa sobre sus significados y sentidos (Silvia Rodriguez, 2017)
Evaluación de la efectividad de las medidas de intervención mínima con menores infractores (Elena Acosta, 2016)
A sample of recent publications
Movilizar el cambio en menores con medidas judiciales: de la atribución al vínculo (2018). En Anuario de Psicología Jurídica, vol.28. pp. 8-14. Rodriguez, S., Muñoz de Bustillo, C. y García, M.
Los significados otorgados por el alumnado universitario a una experiencia de innovación basada en el construccionismo social (2017)
Clases Calidoscópicas: una experiencia de indagación apreciativa en la escuela (2014)
Entre conversaciones: Significados de una experiencia en la escuela (2013). file:///C:/Users/usuario/Downloads/Entre_Conversaciones._Significados_de_un.pdf