Miryam Cristina Fernández Cediel, Ph.D.
Universidad Surcolombiana
Social and Humanities Sciences
Neiva-Huila, Colombia
Email: cristina.fernandez@usco.edu.co
Miryam Cristina is a psychologist, Magister in psychology, and in conflict, territory, and culture. She completed her doctoral dissertation, “Transforming lives through playing music. Meanings and narratives of/about music in young people at social risk who perform music in a symphonic orchestra in Colombia.” through Vrije Universiteit Brussels (Belgium). She is a Professor in the Psychology Program at the Universidad Surcolombiana (Colombia), and her main lectures are on Social Psychology and Qualitative Research. Her research experience is based on the social constructionism approach. Her works are related to Colombian political violence, psychosocial trauma, emotional performances, citizen participation, collaborative, narrative and community therapy, collective memory, emotions, peace, forgiveness and reconciliation. The population groups with whom she has worked have been children, young people, and families. This experience has been financially supported by the Surcolombiana University, the World Organization for Migration, the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ), UNESCO, the Organization of American States OEI, the Foundation for Reconciliation, the High Counselling for Reintegration, the Ministry of National Defense and Ministry of Education of Colombia. In recent years, Miryam Cristina’s work has focused on the benefits of the arts in processes of social transformation and therapeutic processes. From there, she is doing research and social projects to comprehend and help to solve the psychosocial difficulties of children, adolescents, young people, women and the elderly. For more information about Miryam Cristina’s professional experience, please consult the following link. To access her published works, click here.