Danilo Moggia Narváez
Department of Personality, Assessment and Psychological Treatments
Faculty of Psychology
University of Barcelona
Despacho 3601 B; Passeig de la Vall d’Hebron, 171 – 08035 Barcelona
Phone: +34 – 651 169 836
Web: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Danilo_Moggia2
Danilo has Bachelor degree in Psychology by the University of
Valparaiso, Chile; a Master degree in Social Cognitive Psychotherapy and
another in Research in Behavior and Cognition, both by the University
of Barcelona, Spain.
He has wide experience in the field of clinical psychology, doing
psychotherapy and counseling with teenagers, adults, couples, families,
groups and communities, mainly in the context of mental health services
and health psychology. He is interested in to promote human development
trough his work, especially in communities that are vulnerable in terms
of social risk and social injustice.
He is professor of the Master of Narrative Therapy and Community Work at
the University of Extremadura, and teacher of Narrative Therapy at the
Spanish Association of Narrative Therapy (AETEN), of which he is member.
He is also member of the Catalonian Association of Professional
Psychologists (COPC).He works at the University of Barcelona doing
research in processes and outcomes in psychotherapy, particularly in the
context of constructivist, social constructionist and postmodern
psychotherapies and practices. In his studies he endorses methodological
triangulation combining quantitative and qualitative methods.