Megan Tschannen-Moran, Ph.D.
The College of William and Mary
School of Education, Office Number 3116
P.O. Box 8795
Williamsburg, VA 23187-8795
Phone: 757-221-2187
Home Office: 757-345-3451
Megan Tschannen-Moran (Ph.D., The Ohio State University) is a Professor of Educational Leadership at the College of William and Mary. Growing out of her fourteen years of experience as a school leader of a non-public school serving primarily low-income and minority students in a distressed neighborhood of Chicago, she is motivated to work at the intersection of theory and practice so that schools grow in their capacity to serve all students well. Her research and scholarly publications focus on relationships of trust in school settings and how these are related to important outcomes such as the collective efficacy beliefs of a school faculty, teacher professionalism, and student achievement. Another line of research examines teachers’ self-efficacy beliefs and the relationship of those beliefs to teacher behavior and student outcomes. She has published more than 50 scholarly articles and book chapters. Her book Trust Matters: Leadership for Successful Schools 2nd Ed. (2014, Jossey-Bass) reports the experience of three principals and the consequences of their successes and failures to build trust. Her second book, Evocative Coaching: Transforming Schools One Conversation at a Time (2010, Jossey-Bass) co-authored with her husband Bob who is a professional coach, presents a person-centered, no-fault, strengths-based model for supporting teacher professional learning. Appreciative Inquiry is an integral part of this coaching model as well as her work with schools.