Christine Meier, Ph.D.
Director of Centro al Dragonato,
Via Lugano 11, 6500 Bellinzona,
Canton Ticino, Switzerland
Christine Meier enjoys co-constructing social realities within the postmodern tradition in particular within the sociopsychiatric networks of the Canton Ticino in Switzerland and itís neighbor Italy. Constructionist and narrative principles have been incorporated into the center which she directs, the Centro al Dragonato, where people with psychiatric diagnoses, their families and all those who come into contact with the situation are offered the relational space and conceptual framework which allows for flexible perspectives and new prospects, alongside the practical opportunities necessary for reorganizing their life situations.
In her attempts to avoid the creation of pathologically defined realities through awareness and caution in language use and description, Christine teaches constructionist and narrative principles in various schools and Universities, is Consultant to a large number of staff teams and institutes where she is sharing with success her newly acquired enthusiasm for Appreciative Inquiry. She is also the Director of a school for Postmodern Counseling and a Didactic psychotherapist. Her doctorate concerned the pragmatics of psychiatric pathology in particular, the social construction of schizophrenia.