Jacob Mosgaard

Private Practice
Lyngby Hovedgade 96
2800 Kongens Lyngby

Phone: +45 51 64 14 99
Email: jm@jacobmosgaard.dk
Web: www.jacobmosgaard.dk

Jacob is a licenced psychologist working in private practice. He works with individual, couples, and families, but at the moment he is working mostly with clinical supervision, coaching, teaching, training, and creative construction. He has been engaged with systemic and constructionist ideas since the middle of the 90s. Together with fellow psychologist Bruno Vinther he arranges workshops with a social constructionist twist for professionals from both therapeutic and organizational contexts.

Jacob has worked at a family treatment unit and in a psychiatric unit, for instance doing psychotherapy in groups, but also developing and connecting to ideas about the social constructions of psychiatric diagnoses in professional and everyday practices.

Recently Jacob has been especially concerned with themes of labeling and identity, as well as new ways of bringing a not-knowing position to work across contexts. These interests have ledis leading him in different directions.

One line of interest is the role of new social realities such as globalization, internet and social media in the possibilities of new identity constructions. Another line of interest is the exploration of anthropological approaches and their use in professional social constructionist practices, especially therapeutic practices.

Most recently Jacob has tried combining his inspirations from systemic, narrative, and constructionist thinking in a book on myths about love, focusing both on relationships and meaning making, both on love and on the myths surrounding it.

Selected publications (in Danish, all available on Jacobs website):

  • 100 myter om kærlighed og forelskelse (100 myths about love). FADL Publications, Copenhagen, 2018
  • Therapy as anthropology. In: Schliewe, S., Chaudhary, N. & Marsico, P. (eds.): Cultural psychology of intervention in the globalized world. Information Age Publishing, 2018
  • Postmodern approaches to the use of genograms (with Taos Associate Monica Sesma-Vazquez). In: Lebow, Chambers & Breunlin (eds.): Encyclopedia of Couple and Family Therapy. New York: Springer, 2017
  • Dialogiske spørgsmål i en polariseret tid (Dialogical questions for a polarized era). Systemisk Narrativt Forum, vol. 30, no. 1, 2017
  • Dansk indledning. In: Cecchin, Lane & Ray: Uærbødighed og fordomme (Danish introduction to the book Irreverence and prejudice). Mindspace Publications, Copenhagen. 2012
  • Respektfuld manipulation: Nysgerrighed og engagement i psykoterapi (Respectful manipulation: Curiosity and involvement in psychotherapy). Psykoterapeuten, no. 2. 2011
  • Sprogets forførelser: Om diagnoser og andre konklusioner (Seductions of language: On diagnoses and other conclusions). Fokus på familien, vol. 37, nr. 4. 2009
  • Reflekterende gruppeterapi (Reflecting group therapy). In: Eliassen & Seikkula (eds.): Reflekterende prosesser i praksis: Klientsamtaler, veiledning, konsultasjon og forskning. Universitetsforlaget, Oslo. 2006
  • De tre bølger i systemisk tænkning (Three waves of systemic thinking). Systemisk Forum, vol. 16, nr. 3. 2003