Ran Zhao, MD, Ph.D.
Central University of Finance and Economics
Xueyuan south Road 39, Haidian Distract, Beijing, China. 100081
Phone: +86-18611708766
Email: Zhaoran@cufe.edu.cn
Zhao Ran is the author of over 70 research papers and 20 books regarding Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs), Organizational Behavior and Health Psychology, and serves as Director of the Applied Psychology Institute.
Zhao Ran led/participated in multiple projects launched by National Institutes of Health (NIH), Development Research Center of the State Council and National Health Commission and her papers based on the findings were incorporated into SCI/ SSCI.
Professor Zhao Ran approached SFBT in 2003 and introduced it to China, especially to the field of EAP counseling in 2005. She conducted EAP training and supervision for over 200 EAP counselors. She wrote the first Counselor’s Handbook of Employee Assistance Program, published a technical guide for applying SFBT to EAP Area. A number of 190 SFBT practitioners were trained, who in turn actively explain SFBT to the rest of the country and are committed to SFBT training and workshops, which lead to the formation of an excellent and profound group for SFBT study, application and membership promotion. Zhan Ran also provides supervision for postgraduates on empirical research regarding the effectiveness of SFBT in corporate settings, including the effect of SFBC for management coaching skills and SFBT team coaching against pressure management, emotion management, organizational commitment and resignation intention.
Positions: President of China Employee Assistance Professionals Association (CEAPA), Deputy Director of Committee of Promoting Psychological Health of Employee of the Chinese Psychological Society (CPS), Member of the Mental Health Committee of China Federation of Social Work (MHC), Vice President of Civil Servant’s Mental Health of Chinese Heath Association(CHA) and Members of EAPA, APS and APA. Zhao Ran has provided 1000 hours of supervision and over 5000 hours of individual and group counseling.