Cees Hoogendijk
Founder of OrgPanoptics
Nieuwe Parklaan 193C
2587 BT Den Haag
The Netherlands
Phone: +31616682098
Founder, Appreciative Inquiry Academy The Netherlands
Co-creator of Instituto IDeIA – Dialogos e Indagacion Apreciativa
Promotor of the Connective Leadership Mirror
Facilitator of The Management Challenge serious game
Architect of learning organizations and in-company academies
CFO (Chief Facilitating Officer) of constructive (un)conferences
Practitioner The Circle Way – A leader in every chair
Thinking Partner in Strategic Organization Development
Action researcher into the emergence of Organizational Generativity
Associate professor OD/OB at various universities and business schools
www.panoptics.org and www.ceeshoogendijk.com
Cees Hoogendijk is a Social entrepreneur, social innovator, co-creator of sustainable learning and emerging organizations, citizen of Society 3.0, and CFO (chief facilitating officer) of various Appreciative Inquiry initiatives. In 1959, he graduated in mathematics & physics and is working on his PhD. He fulfilled senior positions in HR Management, Learning Architecture, and Organizational Change & Development. Amongst other positions, Cees advised on the merger (late nineties) between Dutch Post and TNT Express, and was Director Organization Transition Support at the integrating ‘new DHL Benelux.’
As of 2005, Cees is independent professional and (co-)founder of several social enterprises that support his mission: Humanization of Organization. Main projects involve dialogical development of strategic (OD) plans, co-creating advanced learning environments by enhancing the role of in-corporate academies, large scale management development, enabling senior managers to view their organization as emerging wholeness of people relations, and act accordingly as connectors. Embedding Appreciative Inquiry in his activities, Cees facilitated ten’s of AI-summits, varying from 50 to 250 participants, in higher education, regional police, hospitals, national safety, local community work and (social) innovation. Cees is AI-related guest lecturer at Nyenrode Business University and Business School Netherlands. Cees is co-founder and co-editor of the yearly AI-Magazine. As AI have been emerging, he co-founded a new social enterprise: Appreciative Inquiry Academy.
Cees produced numerous articles, lectures, blogs and tweets. Among his publications are the books Kracht zonder Macht (Power without authority – 2008) and Krachtbron van een Lerende Organisatie (The power source of learning organizations – 2010). His latest publication is in English: Appreciative Inquiries of the 3.0 Kind – How do we connect, share and co-create for tomorrow’s human wholeness?
Cees Hoogendijk participates as a dual PhD candidate in the program of Leiden University Dual PhD Center The Hague. Working title: “Organizing Freedom – an Appreciative Inquiry into Organizational Enlightening”.

Cees Hoogendijk Resources and Links:
- The Connective Leadership project is an enabler for flourishingpeople and organizations. One of the concrete instruments in ‘spreading the awareness’ is a (freemium) self-reflection tool called The Connective Leadership Mirror. You can try it yourself in 10 minutes at https://clmirror.org.
- Cees Hoogendijk Books