Marina Arantes

Clinical Psychologist, Verso: Mediação de Conflitos

Rua Princesa Isabel, 454, apt 1300.
Bairro Fundinho. CEP: 38400-192.
Uberlândia, MG, Brazil

Phone: +55 34 99210-4222

Marina Arantes is a psychologist and a conflict mediator. She graduated at the Federal University of Uberlândia, Brazil, where she has been a co-supervisor for students working with socially vulnerable populations in various contexts. As a clinical psychologist, she works with children, adults, and families, in a practice that is sensible to social constructionist assumptions about reality and meaning making. She has been involved in different contexts of formation which are committed to the dissemination of constructionist’s ideas. She was one of the teachers in the course An Invitation to Social Construction for Practitioners: From Concepts to Practice, which financed by the Taos Associate Grants, and she works a supervisor for other therapists and students’ practices in town. Ms. Arantes is also co-founder of the Verso Institute of Conflict Mediation, where she works as a conflict mediator, and towards the construction of multiple contexts that aim the foment alternative ways of understanding and resolving conflicts.