Azair Terezinha Vicente, MD
Rua Maria Quitéria, 165
Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo, Brazil
Phone: +55 16 36207440
Mobile: +55 16 99761 5966
Azair Terezinha Vicente is a medical doctor graduated from the Medical
School of Ribeirão Preto at the University of São Paulo, Brazil. She
completed her Psychiatry Residency at the Psychiatry Institute at the
Clinic Hospital, University of São Paulo.
Besides Clinical Psychiatry, her major interest lies in
Psychotherapeutic Practices. She has qualified in Psychodrama,
participated in study groups and clinical discussions on Psychoanalysis,
nevertheless, her belief that conflicts / problems take place amongst
people, and how they relate with each other in the various contexts in
which they are involved, have lead her to approach to Family Therapy.
Her graduation in Family Therapy by Universidade Católica de São Paulo, her participation in courses held at ITF of Rio de Janeiro,
with Ignácio Maldonado and Estela Troya in Mexico, with Carlos Sluzki
at Berkshire Medical Center in the United States of America, at INTERFAS
with Dora Schinitman and Saúl Fuks in Argentina, have paved her way to
the social constructionist ideas.
She is a co-founder of the Familiae Institute which, since 1991, has
been proposing a couple and family therapy formation programme under the
social constructionist perspective.
She is a member of the Editorial Board for Nova Perspectiva Sistêmica Magazine, produced by NOOS and Familiae Institutes.
Co-author of the Chapter “Formação: um processo colaborativo entre
formandos e formadores” in the book “Construcionismo Social: discurso,
prática e produção do conhecimento ”, organized by Carla
Guanaes-Lorenzi, Murilo S. Moscheta, Clarissa M. Corradi-Webster and
Laura Vilela e Souza. Issued by NOOS Institute, Rio de Janeiro, 2014.
Co-author of the Chapter “The Creation of the Conversational Context of
the Group”, organized by Emerson Rasera being published by TAOS
Institute, in the United States of America.
She provides individual, couple and Family Psychotherapy.