Tobias Schüth, M.D., Ph.D.

Simrockstr. 84,
40235 Düsseldorf


Tobias Schüth is a German physician trained at the universities of Würzburg and San Francisco. After a voluntary service in a dispensary in Kolkata/India he received training in clinical medicine in German hospitals and then in public health and tropical medicine in Marseille/France and Basel/Switzerland. During this time he co-founded NETZ, a development organization supporting self-help efforts in Bangladesh. For 20 years he has worked in health promotion and community development programs in Bangladesh, India, and Kyrgyzstan. His focus has been on working with remote rural communities, seeking to induce empowerment processes that would enable them to improve health and well being in their villages. From 2001 to 2014 he was the Swiss Red Cross Country Representative in Kyrgyzstan, where he has led the development of the Community Action for Health programme, a nationwide partnership between Village Health Committees and the governmental health system ( In 2014 he returned to Germany where he works as psychotherapist and coach.

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