Gerda van Dijk, Ph.D.
Hazelaarlaan 26
1214 LM Hilversum
The Netherlands
Phone: +31 6 54 34 89 25
Date of birth: 1960, April 19th
Gerda van Dijk, is Professor Organizational Ecology at the Tilburg University, Department of Humanities, The Netherlands. She supervises PhD-students who are finishing their dissertations as reflective practitioners. These dissertations are rooted in the daily practice of organizations and society. She is Director of the Zijlstra Center for Public Control and Governance at VU, the Free University Amsterdam, specialized in Organization, Strategy and Leadership Development. She is dedicated in supporting public and profit organizations and leaders in their development of leadership to create public value.
Gerda has also a Management Consultancy Practice and works as consultant, lecturer, speaker and facilitator. She has an extensive experience in facilitating small and large scale group and organization interventions as well as teams bridging reflection and inquiry with effective execution. She has specialties in both ecology and organizations incorporates her experience and knowledge in both areas to approach organizations as complex living systems characterized by diversity, life-cycle dynamics and being part of larger systems. Revitalizing organizations, interventions using the ‘laws of the ecology’ of organizations, a focus on ‘making diversity work’ and making sense, are core elements of her activities.