João Salgado, Ph.D.
ISMAI – Instituto Superior da Maia
Av. Carlos Oliveira Campos
4475-695 Avioso S. Pedro, Portugal
João Salgado, Ph.D., is an Assistant Professor and the Chair of the
Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences at ISMAI, Porto, Portugal.
He is also a psychotherapist and the Director of the Counseling Service
of his university. He has also been a Guest Professor in several
universities (University of Jyväskylä and University of Eastern Finland,
in Finland; Universidad de Granada, Universidad Autónoma, Universidad
de La Laguna, Universidad de Huelva, in Spain; Universidade do Minho,
Universidade do Algarve and Universidade do Porto, in Portugal). As
therapist, after a previous training in narrative therapies, he is
currently practicing and training a constructivist form of therapy –
emotion–focused therapy – which is a blend between experiential,
constructivist, and narrative approaches. His initial studies in
Psychology were done at University of Porto, and he concluded his PhD in
Clinical Psychology at University of Minho. Since then, he has been
involved in developing socio-cultural approaches to psychology,
especially narrative and dialogical approaches. Theoretically, his
contributions insist in the relational and semiotic approach to the
human mind. In terms of research interests, they are associated with the
applications of this framework to the field of psychotherapy and
clinical psychology, especially to the understanding human change
processes and their difficult accomplishment. At the same time, this
empirical research is mainly informed by idiographic intensive case
studies. He is presently developing a research project on the role of
the decentering processes in psychotherapeutic change using these basic
influences. Currently, he is an editorial member of several
international journals (Culture & Psychology; Integrative
Psychological and Behavioral Sciences; Universitas Psychologica;
International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology), and was a
guest reviewer to some other journals (Theory & Psychology;
Psychotherapy Research; New Ideas in Psychology).