Karen Finn
Email: mskffinn@gmail.com
Web: https://karenfinn.uk
Social: www.linkedin.com/in/karenffinn/
Karen works as a private coach with in-person clients in Edinburgh as well as an online coach with a digital global platform. She has volunteered with a sustainable fashion charity, Fashion Revolution, for the past 9 years and co-founded the policy team for Fashion Revolution Scotland in 2020. Over the past 3 years the team has worked to build relations with policy makers in the Scottish parliament through online public meetings and an in-person event at the Scottish Parliament. The event included a social learning component which led to positive conversations and increased commitment to create policy regarding net zero textiles in Scotland.
She is currently studying for a Professional Doctorate in Systemic Practice, which will consider the emergence of Earth within systemic conversations, whether organisational groups or individuals. Her aim is to understand how Earth can be central to such conversations in a way that feels natural and enriching to all participants, including Earth.
Publication: Online group coaching: the experience of postgraduate students during the COVID-19 pandemic