The Rhizome Way: Decolonizing Human Services Structures and Practices

Hosted/presented by: Rhizome Way Consulting

Dates & Times: 
May 27, 2022, 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM PST
June 3, 2022, 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM PST
June 10, 2022, 6:00 PM– 8:00 PM PST

Location: online via Zoom 
Presenter: Christopher Iwestel Kinman,  PhD, MSc, MDiv, RCC (Email: )

An online-Zoom experience designed for helping professionals and concerned community members. For counsellors, therapists, educators, medical professionals, peer-support workers, managers, and anyone interested in communal/ecological values in our practices. In these meetings we will…

• Consider actions and structures that challenge the colonial legacies our various human service institutions and practices have been formed within.
• Delve into forms of engagement that honour the diversities of relations that hold people into life.
• Experience the radical implications of a rhizome-oriented practice.
• Focus upon the circulation of gifts within the communal/ecological relations that compose a life (as opposed to the imposition of predetermined pathologies/dysfunctions and treatment strategizing).
• Envision the practical implications of post-human (or post-humanist) ideas as they awaken us to the more-than-human relations that are vital within our lives.
• Examine the complex, intimate, yet often ignored relations between people and land/place.
• Challenge the hegemony and colonial history involved with the face-to-face/one-on-one emphasis within our work and move toward encounters where bodies are able to move together in response to the flows of gifts.
• Rather than fixing a perceived and individualized brokenness we come together and create possibilities.
• This is a move from the therapeutic to creation, from treatment to co-evolution and social-construction, from the imposition of West-ern values to the consideration of more indigenous and ecological ways within human services’ practices.

Cost (for the full three sessions in Canadian dollars) : Regular – $125.00; Student – Can $85 (proof of student status required)
To register or to further enquire, send email with name, address, expression of interest to:
Payment can be arranged through paypal or etransfer.

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