Diana Whitney, Ph.D.
621 Damascus Church Road
Chapel Hill, NC 27516
Phone: 919-339-7379
Email: diana@positivechange.org
Web: www.positivechange.org, www.dianawhitney.com
Diana Whitney is a global social entrepreneur. She is founder and president of Corporation for Positive Change, a global consulting cooperative; a founder of the Taos Institute, an international think tank dedicated to relational processes in business, education, families and communities; and a founding advisor to the United Religions Initiative, a global network of 530 interfaith cooperation circles working for peace and social justice.
Dr. Whitney is a positively powerful keynote speaker, whose messages of hope, positive change, and the call for appreciative leadership offer practical guidance for new ways of working, living and being. Diana’s unique style of ‘interactive storytelling’ inspires audiences from 50 to 1500 at national and international conferences and leadership symposiums in Asia, Africa, Europe and North America. Diana’s presentations are rich tapestries of experience, research and innovative practices that transform leadership and enliven relationships.
Diana is a prolific, provocative and practical author. Her award winning books on Appreciative Leadership and Appreciative Inquiry, the revolutionary process she helped to develop, have been translated into over a dozen languages and are used as text books in business schools, universities and corporate learning centers around the world. The International Organization Development Network (ODN) honored Diana’s written contributions to the field with the Larry Porter Award.
As a master consultant, Dr. Whitney’s work spans the globe. Diana consults with executives and their teams in support of strategic planning and organization development, organization culture creation and transformation, and leadership capacity building. With over thirty years of experience, her clients include British Airways, Verizon, Johnson & Johnson, Merck SA, City of Regina, Calgary Health Region, UVA Health System, Idaho Department of Education, and the Sisters of Good Shepherd. The American Society for Training and Development (ASTD) recognized her Appreciative Inquiry work with David Cooperrider, at GTE (Verizon) with their award for Best Organization Culture Change.
Diana serves as Distinguished Consulting Faculty with Saybrook University, and a Ph.D. advisor with the Taos Institute. She is Expert Faculty for the NCR Picker Patient Centered Care Institute and a Fellow of the World Business Academy.
Dr. Whitney received her Ph.D. from Temple University in Organizational Communication. Her research on the dissemination of educational innovations was funded by the National Institute of Education and used to create an agenda for the development of educational R&D laboratories in the United States.
Diana Whitney’s legacy is apparent in the hundreds of thousands of people worldwide who work, live and lead using Appreciative Inquiry. She is described as one of the top five thought leaders in the field, forging a positive revolution that is radically transforming knowledge, understanding and practices in human organizing, leadership, and management – for the good of the people.
Diana Whitney, Ph.D. Resources
- Exploring-Appreciative-Inquiry-World-Business-Academy-2000
- AI-Creating-Cultures-Article-OD-Practitioner-2006
- AI-Creating-Spiritual-Resonance
- aipmay2012-ai-summit-macro-management
- AI-Process-for-Designing-Life-Affirming-AI-Practitioner-2008
- Appreciative_Leadership_and_Participatory_Planning
- Appreciative-Inquiry: Positive-Revolution-in-Change
- Appreciative-Org-as-Liberating-Space-AI-Practitioner-2004
- Business-as-Agent-OD-Practitioner-2003
- Leading_by_Design
- Leading-Positive-Performance
- Open-Invitation-AI-Practitioner-2004
- Open-Invitation-AI-Practitioner-2004 (1)
- Partnership-At-Work-World-Business-Academy-1997
- Postmodern-Challenges-to-Org-Development
- Revolution in change
- Secrets-To-Initiating-AI-Practitioner-2006
- Spirituality-as-an-Organizing-Principle
- Spirituality-Reflections-2002
- Therapy-Social-Construction-AFTA-1995
- Appreciative Inquiry and the Elevation of Organizational Consciousness
- Appreciative Inquiry: An Innovative Process for Organization Change
- Let’s change the subject and change our organization: an appreciative inquiry approach to organizati
- The Appreciative Inquiry Summit: An Emerging Methodology for Whole System Positive Change
- The Appreciative Inquiry Summit: Overview and Applications
- Why-AI-Works-2010-22-pgs